How to find us

Postcode for Satnavs - SL0 0RW
What3words -
From the Denham roundabout (M40 - Junction 1)
Take the A412 towards Slough.
Cross over the M25 and 2 mini roundabouts.
Just after the first junction on your right there is a finger signpost pointing to the Recreation Ground.
Turn left into the narrow drive opposite the signpost ,which has a white sign at the end of the drive. Park in the car park.
Go to the bottom/far left corner of the car park and walk down the path between the building and the grass area and turn right through the gate in the hedge.
The entry to club house is the first door. The visitor's changing room is on your right as you enter the building.
From Slough
Take the A412 towards Denham.
At the Five Points roundabout stay on the A412 and take the second exit toward Denham.
About 200 yards after the zebra crossing there is a finger signpost on your left pointing to the Recreation Ground
Turn right into the narrow drive opposite the signpost which has a large white sign at the end of the drive. Park in the car park.
Go to the bottom/far left corner of the car park and walk down the path between the building and the grass area and turn right through the gate in the hedge.
The entry to club house is the first door. The visitor's changing room is on your right as you enter the building.