Winter season activities
Short mat starts again in October 2024
Come along to play in some light hearted games or just watch and have a natter. Just turn up.
Every Wednesday afternoon at 2.00pm. Tea and biscuits. Contact Dave Cottrell for more details.
Thursday 7.00pm The bar will be open. Contact Mick Richardson for more details.
A good way to socialise one afternoon a week with tea and biscuits or come along in the evening and enjoy a pint or glass of wine with some company.

Chess Vale Sunday League
Enjoy Sunday mornings in the brisk winter air by playing in the league at Chess Vale's artificial green.
Players of all abilities are welcome.
The Iver Bears finished 5th out of 12 last year.
Contact Karen Cottrell for details.
Indoor bowling 2024- 2025
Details of our monthly fixtures are in the Fixture Book. we have more to arrange. Make sure that you sign up in the usual way on the noticeboard in the clubhouse. Beginners welcome.
Contact Steve Barton for more information.